Column test 1



The Veterans Exposure Team-Health Outcomes Military Exposures (VET-HOME) is VA’s national hub for information and services on the health outcomes of military environmental exposures.

Veterans and health care providers both in and outside of VA can contact VET-HOME for information about exposures and health. VET-HOME can schedule and complete environmental health registry evaluations for eligible Veterans. Also, VET-HOME is for family members, caregivers, or anyone with questions or concerns about military environmental exposures.

Learn more about what VET-HOME offers, eligibility requirements for Veterans, and more on VA's Public Health VET-HOME page.

If you are a Veteran, you can use the portal to ask questions about military environmental exposures and your health. You can also learn about environmental health registry exams and schedule a free registry exam if you are eligible.

If you are a health care provider, you can:
  • Find out about resources on military environmental exposures and health.
  • Set up a free consultation with a VET-HOME clinician who can answer questions about military environmental exposures, including questions about your patients.
  • Learn about VA’s environmental health registries.
  • Discuss how a Veteran can receive a registry evaluation through telehealth.

No, you can request a registry evaluation from the VA even if you are not currently enrolled in VA health care. If you would like to be enrolled in VA health care, please visit

You can access the portal through a computer, tablet, or smart phone. You will need an Internet connection to use the portal.

You can use the portal at any time. During Monday to Friday 9:00 AM-7:30 PM ET, a VET-HOME coordinator will be able to help you. If you communicate through the portal outside of these hours, you will receive a response within 72 hours.

Call VET-HOME at 1-833-633-8846 or 1-833-633-VTHM.

You can call VET-HOME at 1-833-633-8846 or 1-833-633-VTHM.

VET-HOME coordinators who are trained in military environmental exposures and health operate the portal.

Please contact your nearest VA medical center to set up appointments. Your primary care provider is your best resource for treatment questions or medication needs.